Private Training
Private Training Initial Consultation - $95
45 min - 1.5hrs zoom or phone call discussing your goals, my training methods and creating a training plan. Written training plan
Private Training Sessions - $75
45min -1 hr session at home or in a park nearby depending on the goals. Follow up notes emailed. Booked in packages of 8 - 12 appointments.
Additional Services for Private Training clients
Day Training - $65
The trainer works one on one with the dog 1-2 a week in addition to the weekly private training session booked in packages of 8-12 weeks.
Enrichment Walks - $48
Training clients that have completed leash training can add an enrichment walk once a week for up to one year after they have completed training. Enrichment walks are 30-45 min walks, done in parks, or other open quiet spaces and focus on sniffing, avoiding triggers, decompression and supporting the training of the client.
Group Classes
Upcoming Classes Listed here
On-Demand Classes & Resources
Links for Blog, Online Classes, Free PDFs (notes)